Extensive Portfolio

Investinaflip has created countless success stories for investors on a variety of projects.

High ROI

Our experience and expertise in being able to research the highest potential properties results in returns of up to 30%.

Quick Turnarounds

Through our streamlined and efficient process, investors can see returns in as little as 6 months time.

Investor Name on Title

All of our investors are protected and secured by having their name on the title of the property.



Investinaflip’s in-house team of highly qualified experts diligently research and analyze properties that can be bought, rehabbed, and sold with quick profits for our investors. Our expertise in the field of real estate combined with our established streamlined process means, fast, protected, and secure investments for our partners.

Expertise earned
through experience
Results driven

Investinaflip’s in-house team of highly qualified experts diligently research and analyze properties that can be bought, rehabbed, and sold with quick profits for our investors. Our expertise in the field of real estate combined with our established streamlined process means, fast, protected, and secure investments for our partners.

Today's Banks versus INVESTinaFLIP

Investinaflip offers secure returns for investors that could not be matched by any financial institution. We out perform other institutions by not only returning much higher percentages to our investors, but doing it in a much shorter time span.



Find out how we can get the best return on your investment.

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Please enter the required info below to receive detailed information on how we have been able to produce so many success stories.

* $125,000 minimum investment is required to join our team.